If you have any questions about products or you are interested in cooperation, please contact our support team.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.

  • Simple grupaFrom bright idea to hi-tech solution
  • Head office Sviba 24, 10434 Strmec Samoborski (Sveta Nedelja)
    Zagreb, Croatia
  • Contact Tel.: +385 1 6346 878
    Fax: +385 1 6346 879

  • Find us on map
Legal company information: Simple grupa d.o.o.– za proizvodnju strojarskih sustava. Sviba 24, 10434 Strmec Samoborski (Sveta Nedelja) Zagreb, Croatia.
Upisan u registar trgovačkog suda u Zagrebu, OIB: 98703696816, MB: 2464578, MBS: 080681692, Temeljni kapital: 20.000,00 kn uplaćen u cijelosti.

Poslovni račun: PBZ – Privredna banka Zagreb d.d., Radnička cesta 50, Zagreb, IBAN: HR31 2340 0091 1107 0137 2, SWIFT: PBZGHR2X, Uprava: Mario Geušić