Thanks to our team of experts and distributed knowledge of top scientists in various fields, Simple grupa develops and manufactures a wide range of high technology products, many of which provide environmental and quality of life benefits.
We are very proud on some of our products which are currently under patent application and soon we would be glad to present them also.
As we respect NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement), below you can find only certain implemented projects and smart solutions.
Aiming for a higher clean room quality categorization of an existing clean room, an innovative solution was developed as an upgrade for existing system. Clean room is used for final assembly in a production line of piezzo actuators for car industry.
New system filters out even the smallest of particles ranging from 150µm up to 1µm, by absolutely removing them from the room and thus raising the efficiency of cleaning. All the equipment developed and installed was completely blended in and synchronized with the existing space and technology used. A big plus was given for simplicity in using new equipment.
Clean room quality categorization was increased significantly with this allround systematic solution and provided a fast money return on this investment.
These objects provide top service for their clients, therefore high standards for quality and efficiency in maintenance must be provided.
Initial plans for proposed central vacuum cleaning systems are always made in cooperation with investors, aiming for exact technical and human needs for achieving excellence. This cooperative way enables us to simplify usage through intelligence, giving our installed systems top performance and desired efficiency over full volume of space.
Professional central vacuum cleaning systems support multiple users along with quality cleaning of various types of sensitive materials, various surfaces and (technical) equipment without possibility of scratching. Thanks to low level of noise, system can be operational full time, without fear of disturbing peace of guests next door or in a hall.
Unlike classic vacuum cleaner, central vacuum cleaning system permanently vacuums in dust and other impurities, along with saturated air, from cleaned surfaces and from the space itself thus leaving no heavy cloud of saturated air and dust behind. This unique abilities added to all other advantages, makes it a desirable solution for achieving high ecological and other standards.
Pointing out the main differences between central vacuum cleaning system and a classic vacuum cleaner:
All mentioned makes it a desirable long term investment for achieving maximum performance with high ecological standards, along with money savings on more sides than one.
Ensuring high sanitary and technical standards is complex when machines and whole production lines work in confined spaces. All pollutants must be excluded.
Achieving high standards for hygiene, demanded upgrades of an existing system for cleaning with completely new and innovative solution for connecting directly on to machines, where pollutants are generated as a byproduct of a production process.
Specific solution included custom designed end effectors with purpose of collecting only defined, specific size, particles.
These end effectors have FDA Certificate (Food and Drug Administration), proving they are safe for usage in pharmaceutical industry. They are specifically designed to handle all hard to reach parts of machines or any desirable space.
As a long term investment and additional improvement, the whole existing installation was upgraded together with regulation and control, which permanently raised efficiency and functionality of entire system.
Sanitary standard present in food industry permanently forces high level of hygiene throughout the production process.
As desired, an industrial system for everyday cleaning was developed with specially adapted separator system, designed for selective separation of deposited particles in a process of prefiltration and filtration.
This way, as for functionality of cleaning it is also a permanent solution for excessive filter clogging. This is the most significant problem in any powder industry and in handling sticky and dusty materials.
Custom designed with intelligence and integrated within existing system with highest quality, this enhanced solution exceeds rigid hygiene standards for food industry. It delivers efficiency, simplicity and speed in everyday cleaning.
Electrostatic radiation emitted by most electronics in work, intensifies dust deposition inside all electronic equipment, which over time leads to clogging of confined spaces within (esp. ribbed coolers, around transistors and ventilators).
In case of cleaning highly sensitive components and other electronic and computer equipment that is received in regional service center, a highly innovative solution was custom designed. Efficient and scratch-free dry cleaning of components now excludes possibility of damage.
Only these, scratch-free, individual cleaning extensions are in use since then. Leaving no scratch mark, the entire system is also grounded for static electricity.
Installed solution shows a noticeable increase in speed and efficiency of cleaning, referring also to simplification in almost care-free usage.
Specific working processes occurring in dental laboratories, produce large amount of dangerous pollutants. While working on various types of dental implants with mechanical abrasive techniques, different kinds of material are dispersed into surrounding air.
Highly abrasive and cancer causing material like aluminum oxide is used for sanding. Cutting, grinding and fine polishing is done by technicians in sitting position, leaned over working table with head in close proximity to object worked on. It is needed for precision in working with small objects.
Due to exquisite hardness developed through tempering and curing process, any further mechanical work on models causes cracking of surface material down to nano size particles which are able to pass through cellular membrane of human skin cell. This being dispersed into surrounding air causes inhalation, infiltration and cumulative deposition of these nano particles into any organism.
Working conditions of this kind cause many known professional illnesses: allergies, skin disease, kidney stones, gastrointestinal cancer and some types of respiratory cancer.
Desired solution integrated all of our knowledge and previous experience in an innovative design which permanently removes almost all health hazard particles and all other material types of dust from the working space along with saturated air, thus raising the efficiency of work itself as well as ensuring all other human health benefits.
Innovative design with modular components was developed and inventively assembled into technically advanced system. This innovative solution (in patent protection phase) incorporates active communication between components and systematically solves pollution problem.
Unique and systematic design also ensured maximum work comfort which permanently protects health of technicians, positively effects efficiency, reduces noise level involved and prolongs working lifetime and maintenance of all equipment and machines inside.
Specific need of central vacuum cleaning system in harsh and frequently used conditions implied developing a new generation of professional vacuum socket.
New generation excels with elegance, quality kinematic solutions and a design that ensures quality and durability.
Thanks to innovative solutions for practical purpose, these are presumed for standard installation as well as for harsh conditions like wellness centers and places around a pool.
Compatibility with other commercial providers of German standard electronic equipment ensures availability of all colors, textures and materials in final design. Immersed in surrounding design they also enhance entire central vacuum cleaning system by simplified use.
More and more car wash companies implies to a problem of noise produced by vacuum cleaners used inside populated areas. Some are closed for that reason.
Problem becomes even more present during winter time when all is done inside objects that react like an amplifier for that noise.
As a permanent solution for inside and outside noise, a new custom designed central suction system was introduced.
Level of noise was significantly reduced in all vital parts of a system: suction nozzle was optimized, extremely silent vacuum generator with cyclone separation was installed and an innovative silencer solved the noise at the exhaust port.
This is a permanent solution in generating and absorption of noise and also guarantees high and continuous suction power, ability of cleaning confined spaces inside vehicles and simplicity of use with efficiency of cleaning.